Jan 16, 2012

Yea, I'm an idealist. So what?

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I've been reflecting quite a bit on peace and what it means to us as individuals, as members of a group, city, state or Country and of course, as members of the human race.  So, lets start with the basics, the definitions for each of these.

- Peace as individuals can simply mean that we are free of disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Or that we have harmony in our personal relations.  Imagine that for a moment. "Every morning I rise, it is with the sole purpose of creating peace within myself and my family and my friends.  Everything I do, work, cook, clean, commute is the means to that purpose."

- Peace as a member of a group, city or state can mean that we live in a state of security or order within a community provided by law or custom. "We expect the citizens of our community to live in a peaceful and respectful manner by obeying the laws that are written."

- Peace within our Country can mean that we live in a period of mutual concord between governments. Or, we desire a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity.  "I am Miss North Carolina, and I pray for peace on Earth."  Well, you don't have to be a beauty pageant contestant to want that, they're just famous for it!

(above definitions are from the Merriam-Webster dictionary)

- Peace as a member of the human race can simply mean that we live with respect for others and their differences without judgement or ridicule.  "I don't really understand why John sits in the backyard every night precisely at 9:10 pm with a lit candle, but I respect his commitment to this ceremony."

All of these ideals are fine and wonderful, and they are lacking in our world.  But most of us sit on the sidelines as if we're spectators at a sporting event watching the events of the world unfold, and all we can do is cheer or jeer and wish or pray for a different outcome.  We fail to realize or acknowledge that if every single human being on this great planet we know as Earth had peace of mind of knowing their family was going to have a nice warm supper and a warm bed to dream in, that would create peace.  We fail to realize that if every single human being woke up in the morning at peace with themselves and with those closest to them, we would have peace on Earth.

If we want to make a difference in the world, a good place to start is to change ourselves.  Instead of yelling at our kids, or the taxi driver, or the cashier... we stop, take a breath, and recite a prayer, scripture, or a poem to retrain our thoughts.  When all of us live to create peace within our hearts, minds, souls and homes, then we can move onto creating peace in the world around us. (I dare not say greater and bigger things, cause I don't know about you, but damn it! I am, My family is, My friends are exceptionally great and deserving of my good deeds!)  Donate to a shelter or volunteer time, anything that moves us to a greater peace within our own souls....

We do this, and I am most assured that by God, peace can and will prevail!!!!

G Henry January 16, 2012