Jan 31, 2014


In the setting of night
the world is overwhelmed
from the light of day.
It sets, in wait
for a new beginning.

Jan 24, 2014


Today at dawn
I saw an old friend

who was even more beautiful
than I remembered--

I should have looked in the mirror
long before now.

Jan 22, 2014


I rolled her name up
in my left t-shirt
sleeve, like a greaser
firing up his t-bird

on a Saturday night
drive-in date
behind windows steamed--
in a wet dream

Jan 21, 2014

For the Love of Lily

The lily bloomed, lured
by the charm of the first star--
I had yet to wake

#haiku  #poetry 

Jan 19, 2014


a pint or two of stout
just to ease my pout--

a pint of ice cream before bed,
sweet dreams to settle my head

But hunger pains gnaw.

fast food drive-thru after midnight--
dreams of you shatter my might

throwing my belt on the highway
my pants are screaming, "may day!"

The hunger pains still gnaw.

one and a half dozen cupcakes
in the oven, set on bake

hot chicken wings sizzle in the fryer
new pants, a size up in the dryer

Still, the hunger pains gnaw.

now a heart knows a thing or two
about gnawing pain of rue--

it is swift and sly
makin' up lies

That hunger pains need to be fed.

Jan 13, 2014

Moon Lighting

The umbrella rests by the back door--
the distant storm races
   mocking the forgetful woman
rushing to her lovers embrace.

Jan 4, 2014

11 more Haikus to see you through...

1. the gentle rain rolled
down subtle cheeks in disguise--
quieting her sobs

2. picking up the phone
I listen to the dial tone
hello's are so hard

3. when the sun rose
he was absolutely gorgeous --
he wasn't awake

4. drops of dew reflect
grey skies on the bronzed roof roost--
the birds sing freely

5. beneath naked trees
the rain puddles into mud
masking dreams of spring

6. taking a deep breath
filling up on the 'what ifs'
she coughs violently

7. Blind Assumptions

nobody questions
my gender or my race -- HA!
I'm none of those things

8. battery charge drops
dead phone calls like a lost love
the silence screams sobs

9. December comes home
like a summer storm in May--
thinking about her...

10. there isn't a glue
that can fix a camel's back--
straw hats are flimsy

11. chills run up my spine
I can't stop thinking of you--
a horn on my knee