Jun 29, 2013


On Leaving

Today: The last day
through this door I'll tread; the leaves
are changing too soon


Jun 28, 2013


In my solitude
There's nothing to do, but be;
I think it might rain


Jun 27, 2013


Just waiting like this
Not all here, certainly not there;
Like summer to a kid


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Yesterday becomes
today all too soon, my loves--
Too much, is one blink

#Haiku #Poetry

Jun 26, 2013


coffee cup empty
signals it's time to begin;
I'll sip extra slow


Jun 25, 2013


Scattered, like dust left
behind--like a love affair
with a favorite chair
removed, like memories kept.


a baleful virus
hurling bassy sounds like threats;
storms lurk and circle


Jun 24, 2013

After a While

by Veronica A. Shoffstall

After a while you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn
that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn
that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of woman,
not the grief of a child
and you learn
to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is
too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down
in mid-flight.
After a while you learn
that even sunshine burns
if you get too much
so you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone
to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
you really are strong
you really do have worth
and you learn
and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn...


In the wind, I can
fly with the greatest of ease;
Until she blew off


I've been enjoying writing these haiku style poems.  They're quick, and allow me to express a lot (with so few words) in this stressful time in my life, while also having so little time...  One week from today I start my creative writing class.  I am beyond excited and hoping beyond hope that I get to write poetry for that class!!!

Jun 23, 2013


The mourning has come
Where it's time to say good-bye;
Black holes suck like night

Jun 22, 2013

Today.... life....?

I've never cried so much in my entire life....
This kinda sucks.

Producing a poem out of it would maybe, perhaps.... make it a bit better....?

Just Breathe is my mantra du jour.


My thoughts are running wild
Wild like a teen or stampede
On a picnic blanket


These bones are aching
Under a shell a mile thick;
Don't look for me there

Jun 20, 2013

With a little help from my friends

I posed the question on Facebook if friends would give me a word, a thought, or a feeling that I could form into a poem.  These are responses I received: 

- If you look far enough you will see???

-The world wrapped around you.. if you listen long enough??

-If you could keep only one memory...

-Moving out of my nest of safety into the terrifying realm of the unknown known...

I decided to write a Haiku poem (a Japanese poem), using bits and pieces of their words.

 realm of the unknown

The world wraps her arms
Around the memory of
Loves left in the wake

Jun 16, 2013

They Are There

my God

testing, testing
he tests the limits to confirm that they are there.
Pushing, pushing
He pushes the boundaries to confirm that they are there.
Running, running
He runs away to see if he’s worth chasing.

my God

Don’t. Let. Go.
Hold on. Hold on tighter.

A friend of mine wrote this...  I kinda dig it, thought I'd share it.

Jun 15, 2013


Cleaning, organizing, packing to move-- making my house even more perfect so that I never wanna leave...
My Buddhist faith is being tested to the limits!  I must repeat over and over--Less is more! Don't become attached to "things."  Home is wherever you hang your (50+) hat(s)! (HA! okay, that last one is more so lyrics from a country song than Buddhist philosophy)--And YES!  I wear A LOT of hats!!!


One shot and a beer;
Was it one beer and three shots?
No matter...
Though the latter
Sounds more like truth--
I drink to keep
My mind from wondering,
Should I shout
Out your name;
Continue to drown
Out this drunkenness
With more

Jun 14, 2013


when love speaks
to my heart,
it must be traveling
without a DAMN
map, cause
it gets lost
in the translation…


If I built a bench,
Little by little
Beyond the middle
Of normal;

Would you rest with me?

Jun 12, 2013


Being near her,
Makes a shot of liquor
Uncalled for....

Jun 10, 2013


Why do you turn on me your gaze–
now that in your arms to my rival lays?
I am astound that after all that deceit–
you wait for those times to repeat!

I have seen it with my own eyes, Oh God,
That you raised your glass amidst the crowd!
When you opened Hafez to tell your fortune–
another name came for you in the light of the moon.

Go now to her and mind not my heart, goodbye!
You are the sun, she is the Earth and I am the sky.
Shine on her, on her as I am sitting down, afar–
I travel alone on the shoulders of a falling star!

Shine, shine on her as I stand up and my heart–
cries for her, for her fate, pain and plight!
To let you go is true love’s decree–
She has your arms, you heart remains with me!

You, you who took me away behind the curtain–
How come didn’t you reach to my secret garden?
I let go of you and the warmth of your arms–
I was never after the flesh and its charm!

If I ran to you so eager and fervent–
a unison with Love, was all that I meant!
And not your embrace to light my darken night–
the dream of Love shines so brighter than your sight!

Now that you are sitting next to her, my rival–
Let me cheer to your union, not plotting a reprisal!
Our tale is gone lost and its dusts are to shove–
stay with her and her undying love!

Forough Farrokhzad (1935 – 1967)
Translation: Maryam Dilmaghani, June 2013, Halifax.

Jun 9, 2013


Easy like Sunday morning, the song
that sings about the one in love
with the one who is not--
like a woman from Alabama
with a banjo in one hand
and a ticket to Les Mis in the other;
who can do both, without the easy,


Jun 7, 2013


Is this dizziness I feel
Caused by that shot of liquor
Chased by that lager
I drank?
Or, is it from
That door revolving
That swung this way
Instead of that...perhaps?


Boxes packed
Almost like fact
BUT!  Really it's more like
a fuck you
out of the blue, kinda.

Jun 6, 2013

A Thought About Me and Her

She gets the whispers of my secrets
No one else is privy;
Yet, she doesn't have
The first damn clue. . . . . .

Jun 5, 2013


I could never race a Nascar;
Like thoughts, speeding
around in semi-circles
with no way out
and a fiery
crash when the tiniest
of things goes awry..


like us
on the day before
our lips
never met

Jun 4, 2013

Days like today

It's days like today where I see the real value of running away and becoming a Monk--or whatever the female equivalent is.  I have no idea how I can possibly make a dent in solving the problems of the world, when on days like today.... people irritate the shit out of me?!?  I really wish I knew what was wrong with us humans.  It's a wonder we've made it as long as we have without killing each other....  If I had a roof top in the middle of town, I think I'd be on top of it right now shouting at the top of my lungs, "FUCK YOU!"  But since I don't... here I am on my blog.

A Royal F.U.!

Jun 3, 2013


A latte, I got
today and a
brat or more I got too--
But a tat, I got to get
before I splat
a slat against my skin;

Jun 1, 2013

She Was Hope

When darkness swallows
the sunny memories
of day, 
hope bares to
its nakedness
hiding within the
abandoned whisper
just beyond the shadows;
leaving no trace
she ever was.