Oct 28, 2013

Three more...


children screaming with
laughter catching waves--
summertime in Palestine

Fall Out

the liquor soaked tongue
gushes from her every pore;
winter's reflection

Hope In A Bottle

tonight, old movies
and a pint of beer-
tomorrow's forecast, no rain

Oct 19, 2013

#13 and #14, Respectively

this morning I woke
sobbing from a dream,
the streets are soaked with puddles


the willow tree weeps
with the wistful girl, waiting
secretly beneath

Oct 15, 2013


I took a memory

from a day in June
when we wrote
poetry in the sand
just before high tide--

I made it

an idol on the mantel
between two candles
smack dab in the middle
of the room. Last night
in a fit of sobs

I gave it back

to the earth
that birthed it,
with a mirror
in its place.

Oct 13, 2013


as dawn broke
the sun trekked
over what must have been
a million miles, or more

rapping upon her
window pane
day in-- and out;
the curtains, always drawn.