Aug 19, 2011

the poetry of growing old...

The other day, one of the teenagers in my life was telling me something great about their day.
To show great, short winded, enthusiastic support, I snapped “Awesome!”

What I heard back was, “Oh no, you did NOT just use that word!”
“What word?” I asked.
“Awesome! You’re too old to use that word.”

-----Insert sounds of me laughing, HYSTERICALLY here!!!-----

Oh, right…. I forgot I'm past the age of awesomeness.   
 "Okey dokey, GOLLY GEE THAT SURE SOUNDS NEATO!” I said instead of the very efficient, but most appropriate word, awesome.

“Well now you’re just being sarcastic”, comes the reply.


Golly gee growing old sucks!  I know I'm not past the age of suckiness!!!