Feb 16, 2014

Ding Dong




the doorbell rang.
oddly enough--
no one was there.




Feb 13, 2014

Memories Journey

a piece of lint
tinted blue and grey
I found hiding between the pages
of my favorite book of poems.

should I leave it
or let it go--

wondering from what distant memory it escaped?

is it meant to land
in this time or is its journey
not yet finished--

and why oh why do I wonder so much
about such things?


Like a cool bath, the burning
sand cradles her soul
the scorching sun caresses
her skin, as the sting
from careless words fades
into a rock hard memory and
the last tear splashes
into a wake.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Feb 12, 2014

In Time

Rituals of days passed, only mask
each day to the next, the taste
swallowed with the bitterness mellowed
for weeks in a routine seeking madness...

Until you walked through my door.

Feb 10, 2014

I've made my first submission!

Hello Friends! I wanted to share with you guys that I have submitted my work for the first time ever to a literary magazine. I'm putting myself out there, but it's about time. I have over 500 pieces...