Mar 21, 2012

point not taken

People have been on my mind a lot lately.  Sometimes, particular people but most times just people in general.  I've been observing more than usual, almost obsessively. 
I've been quite fascinated by how angry everyone seems to be lately.  Meanwhile, I can't seem to get angry to save my life. I'm too busy making excuses to get angry I s'pose.
"They wouldn't treat me that way if they didn't have so much going on." Or I'll think, "It'll get better. It can't be this way forever."  I don't stop and think, that maybe they're just jerks... and NO, nothing is going to get better unless I do something about it. But, I guess anger has its place. 

Anger when channeled for good can move mountains.  Most of the people I come in contact with are angry because of something someone else did or didn't do.  Very rarely do I see anyone use anger to lift someone up, or make something better.  Instead, it grows and festers into vindictiveness and spite and hate... all the things that destroy. 
Look what happened with the guy Jason Russell who started the Kony 2012 movement. He took his anger and turned it into a movement to lift and help and serve.  The public jumped right on. The movement had teeth and something we could all get behind.  Then, just as quickly the public turned on Mr. Russell and turned that anger into something horrible.  It's not because people are horrible, but human nature is horribly flawed.  We don't even seem to notice or care. Life has become a blood sport.  Once you start bleeding, WATCH OUT cause you're gonna get clobbered!

We all seem to be so busy stuffing our wallets and filling our houses with stuff, and amusing ourselves with pettiness, that we're not paying much attention to what we're stuffing in our minds and filling our souls with.  How about we get angry about that?
I think I can do that. Yea, that's doable!  Beginnings have to start somewhere.... DAMN IT!