Feb 14, 2012

A minute on Valentines Day

Take a minute. Look at it. Feel it. Count your heartbeats. Notice your breath. Is it deep? Shallow? Heavy? Did something happen the last minute that might've affected any of those? Clear your thoughts, Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes... What image, thought or feeling came to you? Sit with that for a minute because whatever it was probably could use your full attention right now.

Why do I bring this up now? Because I've been spending a massive amount of time thinking about life and death and love. Isn't it strange that the most profound and life altering events happen in a minute of time?
One minute. Birth, death, falling in love, destruction of Countries, civilizations or communities. An enchanting encounter with a stranger that stays with you forever. With all of these... One minute can make a world of difference.

Imagine what could happen if we all take one minute out of every hour to do something life altering for ourselves and for others. That's 24 minutes a day to change everything....

Think a pleasant thought, smile at a stranger, hold the door, let someone ahead of you, share a happy thought... I could go on and on, but you get the point, right?

I'm going to take this minute to say thank you for finding me, and for making all of my minutes spent thinking about you... And that makes me smile!
Minute by minute......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone