Dec 1, 2012

On Diverse Deviations

My life is about to become totally crazy for the next 12 daze as I gear up for the end of the semester, exams and papers and stress!!!  I gave myself permission to enjoy myself today.  The plan?  To lie out in the sun, YES! I said the sun.  It's the first day of December and it is beautiful here in the southeast!!!  So, as many others are hanging Christmas light and spending all of that dough they don't have to spend, I'm lying in the sun daydreaming that I'm on a tropical island with a tropical drink and a frilly straw...and... it felt GREAT! I had pen and paper in hand to write a poem for her like I said I would.... but the damn words just won't come!!!  Oh, I filled up a few pages of journal writing about things such as, there never being any soup in the house on the coldest of days, or, the light bulb always goes out when you least expect it and there's not enough time to change it...and the such; but alas... no damn poem.  :( 

I'm about to get 7 weeks off from school.  I'm hoping in that time I can find my own voice again.  I think my heart swallowed it, but... it is what it is, and well.... my will is good!

I'll leave you with a pic of me in the sun.... and a poem that I'm diggin' today.


They Went Home
by Maya Angelou
They went home and told their wives,
     that never once in all their lives,
 had they known a girl like me,
                                                    But... They went home.
They said my house was licking clean,
    no word I spoke was ever mean,
        I had an air of mystery,
                                                   But... They went home.
My praises were on all men's lips,
   they liked my smile, my wit, my hips,
    they'd spend one night, or two or three.