Apr 15, 2013

For my friends...

...who read my blog.  Thank you so much for your support!!!!  It means so much!!!  I have 2 projects to do for my classes.  I've decided to try to incorporate poems for both. --(insert big smile here)-- But the pressure is on!!! The last few weeks of school have taken up so much time, I haven't had much time for my personal writing.  After I've submitted my projects for a grade, I'll share them here!  I'll be taking a creative writing class over the summer... I'm hoping that will give me more time for a southern poetaster!!!

I started this blog to give me a creative outlet, because.. well... I had very little opportunity for creativity in my life.  Since I've started school, my creativity has an outlet... but I miss my blog!!!  I miss spending a lazy afternoon with music and poetry.  However... I have never been in a better place in my life!!!  I have met my destiny!!!  It's nice to finally know what I want to be when I grow up!!!  --although, I do hope it involves more writing!!!