Mar 2, 2013

the right to.... ?

I have been assigned to a debate on gun control in my human rights class.  I was given the pro side of government gun control.  I am working on my opening statement.  How does this sound?

We have seen, as American people that our precious, sacred constitution of these United States often times needs amending or ratifying to change with our ever changing morals and beliefs and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.  The original constitution did not create ALL men equal.  It declared all white men to be equal --leaving everyone else as a "lesser than."  All black men are created as equal as all white men.  All women are created as equal as all men.  We know this to be true that no document can be created that places the value of ones life above another; or one right above another.  The second amendment gives all the right to bear arms.  The first amendment gives to each and everyone of us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Are we morally justified in supporting a document without amendments that puts more value on one particular right over another?  Are we morally justified to not hold all men accountable for the disgrace of a few?  Can we as a nation continue to allow one group of people to monopolize the rights of another?   The right to life.  So many souls around the globe have fought and died for this right.  Is the right to life any less valuable than the right to bear arms?

The 'Children's Defense Fund,' an NGO protecting the human rights of children filed a report on January 3, 2013.  It stated that more children and teens have died from guns every three days than died that horrible day since the Shady Hook massacre. One child or teen dies at the hands of a gun every three hours in the United States.

The report also stated that between 1979 and 2010; 119,079 children and teens have died from guns.  This is more child and teen deaths in 32 years then U.S. soldiers killed in action in the Vietnam, Korean, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars combined.

Between the years of 2000 and 2010, a total of 332,014 people of all ages have died from guns.  That is more people than the entire population of almost any county in any state!

Are we morally justified in not being held accountable for these deaths simply because the 2nd amendment states that we have a right to bear arms?  What about the right to life?

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