Jun 4, 2014

a dream. YOU were there

I had a dream last night that's baffling me.  It's weird and I can't stop thinking about it.....  about you.

 I really needed to get away, and just be by myself for a few days.  You offered to make arrangements for me, why? NO IDEA! So, I pack a bag and take off for the highway, feeling free and happy.  I get to the hotel, and it's quite nice.  I go in, and the hotel attendant says he's been expecting me and takes me down a long hall and out a back door.  In the back of the hotel there is a new high rise being built.  In the middle of the building there is a bed and tv... no walls no bathroom, no privacy... Construction workers everywhere, but they are getting ready to leave for the day.  I can see the entire city from the room, but it's a crappy city, not much to look at. I refuse to stay in the room, but the attendant tells me I have to.  Why I stayed, I don't know. I do many things I shouldn't -- and miss many opportunities I should have seized.  Anyway.... I get on the bed and turn on the tv.  You walk in, smirking... saying you were glad I decided to stay, now you can keep an eye on me.  You sit down on the bed and... well

 Don't know what would've happened next cause I woke up before I could find out...  FUCKKKKK!
 Not my favorite dream of you.... but certainly intriguing.