Dec 30, 2011

Picture This

A gift or 3, perhaps even 4 intended
for your love, but I didn't know, so
I took it as mine.
It wasn't just a random act of kindness,
If only I'd known...
It's been a week (and a day if you need exactness)
since I've open it,
ya know? since the truth.

Today, I whipped it out... it was like old times!
More times than not,
I beat around the bush,
but today
I'll come right out with it,
Fuck yea, I can take it.
Cause half lies ain't half bad,
when it comes with
happy endings......................

Dec 23, 2011


the chill rode the currents
to a distant land
leaving the jacket
for a brief innocence
cast and hung.
lying in the furrows
the passing moments of warmth,
but for what it’s worth
I fell.
upon waking on
a bed of chagrin
the jacket, now draped
head to toe
colored with suffocating
buttons lay waste
replaced with glue and staples.
the craving hurled
to a dying dream.

Dec 20, 2011

The Sting

Numb and Dazed, living half a life
in the isles of the Winn Dixie. Day after day
the wobbly cart, in her firm grip she circles
round and round waiting
for the next demand of products to pick up
or put back, for the sake of it.
Her feet, unnoticed have grown raw and crusty with dried blood
and her ears deafened from the unending fire alarm that
she ignores into non existence.
She sings a song or two from time to time,
a desperate attempt at masking the chaos.
Strangers see the moo moo and curlers, unaware
of the fire brewing inside.
Until one day, The Delilah appeared, below the exit sign... she sensed the fire
and screamed till the woman woke from the haze.  Now fully aware,
she smiles, reaches out
only to find, it was all an illusion.

Dec 19, 2011

the shovel and the crap

The city is not big but the demands
are no less. It is her life, after all.
She gives it all, till there is nothing left
Never expecting anything in return, but
hope is buried
under the apple tree in Freedom Park
(if it hasn't rotted)
The city buzzed with superior importance, just as long as
she gave day and night, without
a fight.... Of course.
If you do, of course we'll love you.
You know how lucky you are, you are the chosen one
be grateful... he's in the shadows, waiting and will do it better
anyway.  If it weren't for this job,
you'd have nothing....


"You know, I think nothing would beat this crap.  Where's my damn shovel???"

Dec 13, 2011

the cage

thoughts, caged in solitude
like the wild lion, once free,
for one of the Many locks to loosen
its grip, always
forgetting that upon escape
euthanization inevitably follows...

Dec 12, 2011


Just call me G and my body
Shakes like a quake at sea.
You have no desire
to close line me on a wire, but
It don't matter if the rent on intent
Is paid. Fuck it, I'm still livin' it
unless she evicts my ass!
Shit! I'd hit it if I had the damn key.
But that don't matter, there's always
Whiskey and the shine of the moon.
That ain't just a line, girl
Come here, let's give it a whirl.
I know you're listening.....

Dec 9, 2011


...they weren't just words. (FYI,)
but 2 nights ago, maybe 3?
I took a blow
BAM! right in the gut,
Everything stopped. (my heart,)
It wasn't because of that girl, but...
duffle bags?
I'd been considering
a yard sale.
I've been trained (please note)
My mouth now
zipped. (is yours?)
Please, no? 
I'm afriad of 
what a yard sale sign (...for the taking!)
is gonna cost
you know, in case
I get strapped.

Dec 4, 2011

Incessantly Aware

Not a touch or a glance,
but your sheer
existence, like origami
curls a toe or ten.
Hell, just the sight of your name
sets me aflame, period.
And well, not even 9 hours without ac
in hundred degree heat, birth
more wetness in me, from just your aura
 again and again.
I can't even imagine
what more you could give me baby...

Without any effort at all, you've
given me every
color in existence, in a world
that for me,
was always black and blue.
I don't know how you do
what you do,
only to say, I'm grateful
that you are.

Dec 1, 2011

yea, whatever

they buzz
like a trapped fly
beating its head against the window,
being taunted
from the beauty that

on a diet of strange

eyes shift
with regrets and     Lies
never spoken         Or
even whispered
but swallowed, and absorbed.
with a hallow          Vulnerability.
purging, a constant failure.

Like                 A                Slippery rock,
It    drops

just below the heart
right in the gut, where it
grows into a massive mass
broken dreams and promises

...becoming so full, there's
no room for dessert.